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weather API 사용하기

by EXUPERY 2021. 3. 31.



weather API 사용하기







Weather API - OpenWeatherMap

Please sign up and use our fast and easy-to-work weather APIs for free. Look at our monthly subscriptions for more options rather than the Free account that we provide you. Read How to start first and enjoy using our powerful weather APIs.


openweathermap API를 이용하여 도시별 기상정보를 불러올 수 있습니다. 


1. JSON으로 불러오기

import requests
import json


## city_data를 json으로 가져오기
def get_city_data(city_name):
    API_URL = f'https://api.openweathermap.org/data/2.5/weather?q={city_name}&units=metric&appid={API_KEY}'
    raw_data = requests.get(API_URL)
    current_weather = json.loads(raw_data.text)
    return current_weather
city_data = get_city_data('Seoul')
print(f"get_city_data('Seoul') : {city_data}")
>>>get_city_data('Seoul') : {'coord': {'lon': 126.9778, 'lat': 37.5683}, 'weather': [{'id': 802, 'main': 'Clouds', 'description': 'scattered clouds', 'icon': '03n'}], 'base': 'stations', 'main': {'temp': 14.38, 'feels_like': 12.63, 'temp_min': 13, 'temp_max': 17, 'pressure': 1015, 'humidity': 29}, 'visibility': 10000, 'wind': {'speed': 2.06, 'deg': 10}, 'clouds': {'all': 40}, 'dt': 1617192233, 'sys': {'type': 1, 'id': 8096, 'country': 'KR', 'sunrise': 1617139160, 'sunset': 1617184381}, 'timezone': 32400, 'id': 1835848, 'name': 'Seoul', 'cod': 200}


2. JSON에서 필요한 데이터를 추출

## json data에서 필요한 정보 가져오기

# weather_description
def get_weather_description(json_data):
    weather_description = json_data['weather'][0]['description']

    return weather_description

# minimum_temp
def get_minimum_temp(json_data):
    temp_min = json_data['main']['temp_min']

    return temp_min
weather_description = get_weather_description(city_data)
print(f"city_description('Seoul') : {weather_description}")

minimum_temp = get_minimum_temp(city_data)
print(f"minimum_temp('Seoul') : {minimum_temp}")
>>> city_description('Seoul') : clear sky
>>> minimum_temp('Seoul') : 13

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